LISNews – News For Librarians



Friday, December 7, 2018


I was disappointed with one part-time lady behind the desk today..when the power went out at Peninsula library..they closed so I came here to MALAGA COVE  b/c the pv library twitter feed said that Malaga was still open without power problems..; but I had problems logging into the computer so I went to the desk and this part-time gal who I've never seen before gave me a blank face stare, not even a courteous "Can I help you?"  I had to initiate a conversation by saying "Do you work here?" (in case you didn't know lady: normally people who work at a place when approached by a guest ask, "Can I help you ?" ) So I told her the problem and said "Because the power went out at Peninsula I couldn't log out so I think the computer here  at Malaga thinks I am still on up there.." bla blah blah.. She said she didn't understand computers..but if I wanted to talk horses blah blah ..The other employee was on the phone. I asked her maybe I could try a "guest pass" for the time being. She said they too were having power problems and her computer was out..even tho it looked like it was on. The guy on the phone hung up and asked how he could help. I re-explained, he called peninsula. They recommended trying a guest pass. He hung up and said "I should have thought of that" and went on the computer and provided a guest pass. The computer was NOT out..and the female employee appeared to be simply trying to brush me off. The guy was nice & helpful. She appeared to be a bossy local yokel who didn't think she had a job to do despite being paid to do a job. Some of us RELY on those who are paid to do their job to simply be honorable enough to be courteous and helpful as possible at the VERY RARE moments when we need help. I haven't asked a PV library employee for help in over ten years. The one time I do I get a blank stare and less than the bare minimum from one of them. On a positive note, the big fella who helped me was great. Thank you. 