LISNews – News For Librarians



Saturday, December 17, 2022

Re Redondo Beach library 12/17/22

They have some good new employees here seem like decent people as opposed to some of the older employees been around for so long and they're kind of like locals on their turf. So I'm thankful for the new employees who are nice and honest.

 But I hope to encourage them to crack down on the little bells and whistles that all the phones make. They do become annoying after a while. & some people just don't seem to get it. That's why phones have a silence button. 

One lady snapped at me because I thought her phone was making the noise. I said nicely "Ma'am could you please turn down your phone?" She said "It's not me. & then added "Mind your own efff'n business". I said  "Somebody made it my business  by NOT turning down their phone".

 We have a  right to a certain amount of silence in the library- a pleasant and productive atmosphere. It was the next person to her and she KNEW it. BUT she had to take the opportunity to snap at me and become abusive. Some of these older ladies actually can be abusive the way they treat younger people. 

I don't like to loosely use the b word about anybody but in this case the glove does  fit. 

So then I asked the guy next to her to turn down his phone alerts, that kept going off every minute or two,  because the employees didn't or wouldn't. And he  literally  seemed to NOT know how to silence his phone. Are you kidding me? He had to  fiddle around just to figure out how to turn down his phone. I don't care how old you are anymore- if you use a phone everyday this is as simple as anything else. 

Cmon people:  no matter how old you are, no matter what gender, religion, race creed, color, there's No Excuse for being rude by leaving your phone volume up in places like the library. Show some respect towards others. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.