11/24/14 at beverly hills library...didn't see the "regular guy" there...usually there's the same guy always in the same seat often talking to himself aloud...but he wasn't there this time..wondered what happened..he was always an annoyance, but needless to say he is still in our thoughts & prayers...; and that brings up a good topic...what do we do as Christians about people we find annoying in public places such as at the library? I complained once about this guy thinking he was just being possessive of his place at the library public space and trying to make others avoid him...we do have a right to quiet at the library for that matter..the guard asked him to be quiet..but he did the same thing again next time I was there..what do I do as a Christian in a public place where a person is being annoying, having bad manners, etc. ? Is it un-Christian to complain? or just the opposite? Do we, as Christians, have an obligation to expect others to behave well? sometimes people swear intentionally around me because they know I am a Christian. What do we do?