LISNews – News For Librarians

Saturday, May 14, 2016


SO this lady kept walking back and forth thru the BH LIBRARY YESTERDAY (5/13) ...I happened to take off the so-called "privacy screen" that they put on some of the computers because they make the screen too dark. I've never been given the official reason for why some of these libraries have so-called "privacy screens" but I surmise it is for 2 reasons. 1) The first reason I suppose is that if you don't want others looking at what  you are viewing for whatever reason. Perhaps you are concerned about somebody looking at y ou log-on and seeing your password or other identification. Or perhaps you have a penchant for looking at material that is normally considered somewhat offensive to others (such as so-called "adult" material). Personally, I don't make a habit of viewing adult material (ie pornography) at home or any library or anywhere else for that matter so I don't have anything to hide, nor am at risk of offending anybody. 2) which brings me to the 2nd reason for privacy screens. They are apparently there to prevent others from being offended if you are consuming "adult" material. Since I do NOT consume such material at the library or anywyhere else I am not at risk of offending anybody. 

Nonetheless, the lady demanded that I keep the privacy screen on the computer, and seemed even a bit angry about it, and it also felt like a "gotcha" moment. She added that there are other computers in the Beverly Hills library that do NOT have privacy screens. The one reason I like sitting or often standing where I do is because I have a difficult time sitting for too long because of a chronic pain issue. At the location i was at there's a few computers that allow one to stand up while using them...altho at the moment they were occupied so I was at a lower computer where I had to sit. I didn't bother telling the lady all of this. She seemed to think I was going to refuse or object to putting the screen on and stood her ground until she made sure the privacy screen was back in place, securely fasted by velcro. Then she walked off. She was a white lady by the way, as am I also white (male). I previously posted that the security seemed to have a tendency to find faults with white people at the library, more than any other skin colors. I noticed she did the same to the lady a few seats down from me who also had a privacy screen removed. She was also white. I wondered if she would have rebuked people "of color" as well, or if they only "dare" admonish white people, and if so, why? 

Anyways, I forgive her for what seemed like legalism and targetting. God forgive her if she had an alternative agenda  (consciously or unconsciously). And if she doesn't know Jesus Christ as Savior I pray she will repent and confess her sins and ask Jesus to be her personal Lord & Savior. And I offer up a baptism in the Spirit for her if so...if she is ready to repent and confess I baptize you (if she reads this) in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit. If you accept Christ as Savior, your Christian journey begins RIGHT NOW ! Congratulations! We are not only fellow Americans trying to make the world a better place (I hope that's your goal also) but now fellow brother & sister in Christ. Let us grow together in faith. 

The Evangelist.