LISNews – News For Librarians

Friday, March 13, 2015

Fwd: Tp4,nblib

HEAR OUR PRAYER LORD JESUS CHRIST FATHER SON AND HOLY SPIRIT ...for all the staff and employees at newport beach library..thank  you for the good ones who really try hard and care...and also we pray for those who are a little less caring...please let them know how much YOU care for them...maybe they do not know you as their Savior...and of course we cannot proselytize to them at the we just leave it up to You Lord. As a Christian I personally strive to be a good citizen and to be nice to the employees at the library...and for that matter MOST of them are nice back..most of them are good workers..but there's just a few ...and I won't name names who have little agendas they are working for or towards in subtle ways...similar to the way some store clerks have agendas as you go thru the checkout lane..and why some people get a nice smile and hello and others do not..seems small but it is important..and may be why some people end  up homeless and others do not for that matter. We really need GOOD people ..ethical people at all levels of we just keep HOPING AND PRAYING..and thank God in general newport beach library is really good and is trying to meet the needs of so many people. Hear our prayer Lord!